Sunday, May 17, 2009

no paper art, just garden "art"

Look at me being a good little Blogger and posting weekly! (It's about time!) I haven't had much time to try to get any paper art done this week, I really NEED to, too! I have a couple of occasions to make cards for and a friend at work asked me to make one of my graduation hat cards for her (I HAVE to get that DONE-darnit!) I never posted those last year-I'll have to do that. Or just the new one. A couple of people actually PAID me to make those last year! Anyway, the focus for the last week has been on landscaping and I haven't been in the studio until tonite when I got a new wireless printer that I can print my photos on. WhooHoo! I really want to start incorporating some of my own family vintage photos into some things and I can hardly wait! I HATE that it's already 11:28 on Sunday night and I have to get up and spend 10 hours at work tomorrow! I have so little left of the day to play :( Any way, I am posting pics of some of the yard. I promise? to try to get some NEW art on here next week! We are completely re-doing the front of the house. My daughter's boyfriend works in landscaping and he's helping us with it along with some of his friends to get some work on the side. They worked really hard to get 8 bushes pulled out. I cut them all down to stumps first-they were really overgrown! Then I'm also posting a pic of the spring garden coming to life and my favorite, the "pic-of-the-week", is one of my yellow tulips after it had rained all day.

1 comment:

CK Chai said...

Beautiful Flowers... I wish I have a garden like you...