Saturday, September 26, 2009


This is 1 of 8 ATC's I made for another swap with my "ATC's anonymous" group. The theme is "Ghoulish" and my Mom saw them and said they weren't ghoulish at all - they were pretty. I had a TERRIBLE time trying to photograph them. They way the light bounces off different parts isn't consistent. Parts are shiny and parts are sparkly, and they are on different levels. The thread I used is a multicolored metallic and it's kind of hard to see in the pic. It was inspired by a pic I took last fall (or was it 2 yrs?) of a spider in his/her web by by front door. Thus the title of this one is "Spider By My Front Door" (I know! - How imaginative!, right?)
Here is the picture of the real one!
This is a card I made for the group leader, Lynn, to send the ATC's to her IN. I was just playing around with the idea of dripping blood and this was what happened.

This was discovered outside my bedroom window this morning and inspired the entire (almost) blog entry to be spider-inspired. (say THAT 10 times, fast!) If you click on the picture you can see it full size and you can see the tiny little hairs on her! Once again, it's a macabre love-hate thing I have with bugs!! (She is no longer outside my window in case you were wondering)

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