Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Chicago Blizzaster of 2011

This video I took last night around 1030pm. We had swept a small path for the dogs, but it was GONE.

We have a stuffed snowman who sits in the rocker on the front porch. Now the poor guy is REALLY a snowman!

Pokey was really ready to go out in the morning, but the backyard wasn't ready for her!

NOW it's ready Pokey! ,.....Pokey...?

Oh. She gave up waiting. Poor dog!

And now for just some pretty pictures...

I have had these really pretty grates up on the fence for years now. I salvaged them from my uncle's farm when he died.

My "snowflowers". I like to leave the cutting till spring, partly because I think these look so pretty with the snow on them. I take pretty much the same picture every year, bu I like them!

Pretty shadows in the afternoon from my bedroom window. The sky actually had some blue in it!
This squirrel stopped and posed for me. There are several of them that play in this tree and they are really stripping the bark off of it this year, but they have SUCH personalities! They are well-aware that we like to watch them and they frequently tease the dogs. I swear I can hear them blowing raspberries at them sometimes!! ("Nah-na-nah-na-nah-nah. You can't catch me!")

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