Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Enforced "playtime"!!

I am home from work today even though I was going to work on my day off (NEED the $$$!). My boss decided she could cover the hours because the practice needs the $$$. :0( HOWEVER, we also have a " once in a lifetime" snowstorm coming and I don't expect to work tomorrow either since it is still supposed to get WORSE, so I am planning to have lots of creative playtime!! I have actually been quite artsy lately (still getting used to calling it ART and not Craft - I have to own it and not belittle myself or what I do! I call everyone else's ART, why not my own?!?) I have joined a couple of new groups to trade ATC's with and have already joined in 3 swaps this year! I plan to make several posts over the next few days/weeks because I love to say "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!". Even if no one cares! ;0)

I have discovered a couple of new techniques and have even gotten brave enough to do one ATC for swapping that is COMPLETELY hand-drawn! (gasp!) So get ready to be impressed! -with volume if not talent/execution! I also have finally unpacked and put (back) away everything in my studio and I took pictures -it was clean for a minute anyway. I think I'll start there even though it's not chronologically correct.

Lastly, one of my kitties is not well. She is going on 17 years old and I think we may be getting to the end. I am just trying to keep her drinking, eating a little and comfortable. She just wants to sleep and hasn't left my closet in at least 2 days - it is nice and warm in there. Please say a prayer that she gets well soon if she is going to, or goes peacfully if that is God's will for her. Thanks.

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