Sunday, February 13, 2011

Funny Pic

So, the other night i was relaxing watching TV and it was getting near bed-time. My daughter came home from work and I stopped her from coming up the stairs and asked her to bring me one of my sugar free ice cream bars. I had bought some ice cream for everyone and a box of SF bars for my self and had only eaten one, so far (out of 6). She says "Did you hide any?" and I said "No, why?" She says that there was only one left and she ate it last night! So I asked if she would just bring me a little bit of the regular ice cream and she's too tired, so I just said forget it. I figured I'd finish my show and go get it myself.
By the time my show is done, I decided I was too tired and would rather just skip the ice cream and go to bed. So I go into my room and THIS is what I find!.....

I sometimes have a bag of chocolates in the drawer next my bed. The red things all over the bed are my Dove Dark Promises that the DOGS ate! Along with the chocolate all over the bed too. She looks pretty satisfied with herself, doesn't she!? Little chub-monster!

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